现在招聘! 探索SMS设备的职业生涯. 观点的机会


机控制 is a powerful technology that can help contractors improve productivity, 减少错误和返工, 削减成本, 招募和培训下一代操作员. However, the technology is complex, and implementing it is not as simple as flipping a switch. 关键是将其优势与公司的项目组合结合起来. 在本期的专家角, 全国最大的彩票平台's Manager of 智能建筑 Kris Troppmann explains how leading contractors achieve this.
你知道吗?? 主动打盹允许操作人员在所有作业阶段都使用自动化, 从第一关到最后一关. 不断收集轨道上现有的地面情况, 每一次擦肩而过, the new ground condition updates to follow existing grade contours similar to an experienced operator.

A:我听到的最常见的担忧是劳动力短缺. 最有经验的婴儿潮一代正在退休, and it's extremely difficult to attract the younger generation into the marketplace. So 机控制 填补了两倍的空白. 一号, 通过确保项目可接受的最低生产水平, 即使是相对缺乏经验的操作员. 第二点, by attracting the younger generation with the use of modern technology into an industry that is challenged in terms of its image.

A:发生这种情况的方式有很多种. 首先,这些系统可以处理比人类多得多的数据. 如果你在没有机器控制的情况下,在道路上崎岖不平, 例如, your operator will be reading a large number of sticks from surveyors and trying to make sense out of them. 这就产生了出错的机会,尤其是对于没有经验的操作人员. So 机控制 数字化处理所有信息,降低风险. 

此外, 使用机器控制的操作员也可以更快地工作,减少错误, 因此,长期的成本节约是显著的.

机器控制也保持所有活动的记录, 证明有利于质量控制, 培训, 工作流程改进. 它还允许承包商创建竣工模型, 哪些可以作为附加价值提供给客户.

Cab top GNSS antenna allows for accurate as-built surface data collection by measuring actual elevations as machine continuously tracks in operation. This means you can measure progress in real-time with operator selectable settings.

A: Anecdotally, many customers tell me they're able to perform projects with 50% less equipment. 返工也是个大问题. 一位承包商告诉我,他们在一个大型项目的返工中投入了数百万美元, 但在他们的第一个项目中,几乎没有使用机器控制.

Companies can establish key performance indicators and use 机控制 data to measure results. 
  • 你预算了多少机器小时? 
  • 完成特定的工作通常需要多长时间? 
  • 你有多少返工? 
你可以在每立方米的基础上量化所有这些. 所以我想说,如果你投入时间, you can create some performance benchmarks and evaluate those at the end of the project.

A:首先, there's a lot of supporting infrastructure involved - this is not a bunch of features on machines, 而是整个系统. 为了支持这个系统, you need to implement a radio network for 3D positioning using communication protocols compatible with the equipment. 我们的许多客户都有 mixed-vendor环境这让事情变得棘手. 支持这样的环境是我们的主要优势之一, 这是我们与客户密切合作的领域之一.

另一个临界点是 机控制 只和你输入的数据一样好吗. 因此,您需要能够创建100%准确的机器文件. 所以, 这是一个关键环节, 我们建议承包商要么为此指定一个角色, 或者聘请专门从事这方面工作的工程公司.

总而言之,这是非常有影响力的 机控制但这并不像拨动开关那么简单.

你知道吗?? The new auto tilt bucket control helps keep the operator on design so that the finish grading can be accomplished without having to align the machine with the target surface.

A:第一步是选择项目 机控制 will have the most impact by reviewing your project backlog with an expert and determining where you can benefit most from the technology. The process is typically granular - you look at specific segments of the work and the resources you would normally budget. Then you work backwards from there and come up with a hardware and technology implementation strategy. I would add that the human capital component of that plan is probably even more important than getting the hardware.

一旦设备就位,变更管理部分就变得至关重要了. 机控制 会改变您的业务流程吗, so you can't just show up with a design file and a GPS machine and expect to gain efficiencies. It would be best if you had a robust 培训 plan for your technology champion and the operator that's going to be operating your GPS machine.

答:首先,我们有一个坚实的执行团队. 我们的目标是支持所有主要品牌, so we're not restricted to any particular equipment or control vendors and can help the mixed-vendor环境 我们的许多客户都有. 我们还有一流的 远程支持, which allows us to minimize customers' downtime by solving many issues remotely and not having to make a trip to the site.


  • Contractors are facing a skilled labour crunch as experienced equipment operators retire.
  • 机控制 允许没有经验的操作人员有效地完成工作, and it also is a draw for younger workers who might not otherwise choose construction.
  • 机器控制也有显著的副作用,包括收集 实时数据 用于质量改进、培训和已构建模型.
  • Two critical prerequisites for 机控制 are GPS positioning infrastructure and the resources for creating accurate machine files.
  • The keys to success are selecting the projects in which 机控制 is most effective and planning for sufficient 培训 and change management.
  • SMS设备具有独特的支持能力 多供应商环境 通过强大的实施团队和一流的技术 远程支持.
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小松IMC 2.0推土机

新IMC 2.0 dozers increase production up to 60% with the ability to use automatics from grass-to-grade.

  • Lift layer control uses the shape of the existing terrain to place lifts consistently with high accuracy, 减少压实返工
  • 通过快速创建表面创建临时设计
  • Tilt steering control automatically tilts blade to maintain straight travel during rough dozing and reduces track slip 
查看IMC 2.0推土机

小松IMC 2.0挖掘机

Intelligent Machine Control with automated tilting bucket feature allows smarter excavation from start to finish, 在整个工作过程中消除过度挖掘.

  • Auto tilt control automatically tilts the bucket which greatly increases ease of operation on slope and ditch work
  • Protection + precision + performance = the formula for pursuing maximum productivity versus conventional machine guidance
  • 挖掘机自动挖沟,斜坡工作和高生产应用
查看IMC 2.0挖掘机